Foster & Adoptive Family Therapy, Education & Advocacy.

We cultivate a safe and playful environment for families to thrive through therapy, education, and advocacy.

Full Website Coming Soon!

We are excited to reveal our new website to you in April 2020. This new site will connect you to the vision Family Hope House has for foster, adoptive, and guardianship families in Oklahoma and how our organization accomplishes this vision. With plans to engage families, clinicians, and community members alike, we know there is a place for you and we can’t wait to get you plugged in.


“Before William came to Family Hope House, he was struggling in so many areas related to neglect, violence and substance abuse. I found Family Hope House by attending an information session at a Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Group. It was a Godsend! Within 2 months, William was able to be held and the raging became both less frequent and severe. Family therapy taught William to trust, attach and cope. It also taught me how to identify and meet his unique needs.

With the help of Family Hope House, he has now completed the entire school year without being expelled. His teacher commented at the end of the year, that he was one of her most favorite pupils. This wouldn’t have been possible without services at Family Hope House. They have a unique, professional and research based approach that made our house into a home.”

— Testimonial Is Shared With Permission From An Anonymous Client


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

(918) 488-8002