Therapy, Education, And Advocacy
For Foster, Guardianship, and Adoptive Families

Therapy Services
Find the right fit for your family’s unique mental health needs
Events & Trainings
See our calendar of upcoming events for parents and professionals
Resources & Mirco-Trainings
Coming soon — check back for quick videos and one page trainings
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Learn how you can help the foster, guardianship, and adoptive community
We Saw A Need
We live in a world where children cannot always live in the family they were born into.
Though Oklahoma has dedicated families who step in to create safe and loving homes, these caregivers feel ill-equipped to meet the child’s unique needs.
When this happens, families feel disconnected and hopeless.
Their view of the future becomes bleak and the family unit disintegrates.
When these experiences become too overwhelming, placements disrupt and adoptions dissolve.
Attachment Matters
Attachment is about belonging. Being known. Finding delight and being delighted in. Learning you are valuable to someone motivates you to find your place in the bigger picture of life.
Attachment is a deep and enduring bond that connects a caregiver and child, providing an environment for the child to feel safe and secure in the world.
Attachment is the building block of future relationships, identity, self-esteem, the primary buffer to trauma, and so much more.
Attachment is a crucial pathway to a connected future.
Being Family Hope House
Research shows that traditional therapy methods are ineffective, even damaging, with this population.
But Family Hope House (FHH) is equipped with the right set of therapeutic tools to give every family hope.
Our clinical team is dedicated to strengthening and developing healthy families, regardless of makeup, through a specific focus on forming healthy attachments, resolving trauma, and enhancing parent-child relationships.
Leading Oklahoma’s adoption competent community, Family Hope House exists to be the solution for the lack of appropriate mental health resources and support for foster, guardianship, and adoptive families.

Family Hope House in 2021
And their families received therapy services to promote attachment and healing.
Were spent training the community to meet the needs of traumatized children.
Stories of Hope
“Family therapy taught William to trust, attach and cope. It also taught me how to identify and meet his unique needs…. This wouldn’t have been possible without services at Family Hope House. They have a unique, professional, and research based approach that made our house into a home.”
“FHH helped us in ways we never imagined. We began with FHH to help our foster daughter to cope and feel safe. Not only have they helped her, but they’ve addressed the needs of our entire family. In turn, we have become better parents to our foster daughter (now adopted) and to our biological son. It’s not always easy, but we continue to grow and learn as a family.”
We believe everyone deserves the highest quality therapy and family support — regardless of family makeup or financial means. In order to make this happen, we rely on the generosity of the community to meet the needs of our most vulnerable. Unfortunately, most health insurance companies do not consider much of what we do “medically necessary,” as family is not deemed part of the ‘medically necessary component’ of an individual. This is why we chose to forge a new path for our industry and file as a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization.