There could be a million answers to the question, "Why do kids play?" Play is the way kids "talk", the way they work out their daily happenings, the way they are able to process challenges and successes, and how they communicate their needs. Family play therapy allows families, whatever their makeup, to speak in the language of the child. Clinicians learn throughout their practice how impactful having the entire family in the room can be for treatment. It can also be intimidating to work with many people in the room – with all those personalities, it can be a challenge!! This workshop will take a 3-hour peek into various ethical dilemmas that arise in family play therapy – including the therapist’s internal struggles, difficult situations that emerge, and the challenges that arise in virtual family play.
WHEN: June 18, 1:00pm-4:00pm
WHERE: SNU Tulsa, 8210 E. Regal Ct, Tulsa, OK 74133 Room 104, virtual tickets available for those who prefer the virtual platform.
PRESENTER: Jimmy Clare, M.A., M. S., LMFT-S & Registered Play Therapist